Thursday, March 26, 2009

Turn your closet into a boutique

March is almost over, spring is in the air and Pessach(passover) is around the corner. Yes it is time to open or enter your closet, clean it out and straighten it up.

Where do you start?
What to keep?
What to give away?

These are some of the questions that daunt many women (and men) and therefore push off the task.
But this year is different!
This year most of us will be shopping in our closets for new looks and will try to stay away from the stores.
So here are several tips to help you organize your own boutique in your closet:

1. Empty all the contents and try on every item. (this takes time but it is worth it)

2. All your clothes should fit you now (not when you lose "the weight"). If it can fit with alterations then fix it. If not, pass it along (maybe you can even make some cash on eBay).

3. Divide and sort : winter/summer

4. Store all winter items away, make sure they are all clean (the longer a stain sits on your clothes the harder it is for it to come out). If you need to store winter items out of your closet, buy clear plastic bins, (they can be purchased at most hardware stores), list the contents on the outside for easy reference next fall. Oh ! make sure you add moth balls to your sweaters.

Back to spring and summer:

5. Look at your closet and decide what you would like to hang and what you would like to fold.

6. Fold and hang all like items together from white to black. To Help fold your tops buy the flipper, it will make sure that all your tops are folded to perfection. it can be found at

7. Basic hangers are fine they do not take up a lot of room and they do the job, for special care items buy the sponge tops for the hangers, this will help keep the shape of your knits and will prevent spaghetti straps from slipping. Do not use wire hangers, they ruin all types of clothes. I have not found a hanger supplier here in Israel, but when I do I will let you know. In the mean time check out: plastic top and bottom hangers.

8. Keep the clothing you use the most easily accessible. (If you work in an office, make sure those clothes are easy to see, reach and use.)

9. Shoes and hats: Ideally, remove all your shoes from the boxes and place then heel to toe on the shelves. If you can't, and you need to store your shoes in boxes, take pictures and place them on the outside of the box. Here too make sure the shoes you will wear most often are easy to access.
Hats: Hats worn everyday should be on a hat rack or low shelves. For those hats reserved for special occasions put them in a box marked with a picture and place them at the top of the closet.
10. Here in Israel the dust goes everywhere. Especially around Pessach, after we clean our homes the sand storms come. It does not seem to matter if our windows are Marvin or Belgium, the dust makes it through to every nook and cranny of our house. The shoulders of every jacket,dress and top seem to be the final destination of the holy dust that travels through the air. Therefore I recommend plastic shoulder covers for those special items that you do not wear often. They are like garment bags but only cover the top part of the garment. If you can not get your hands on any, here is a tip I got from a friend: Ask your dry cleaner to cut you a few plastic covers and use them instead.

Now once you have emptied, tried on, gotten rid of, altered, separated, sorted, folded, hanged. You will see what you have and be able to begin to mix and match and create many new styles from what you didn't even know was there.
Okay, okay you probably will still want to buy a few new things this season, but at least you will not come back from the store with another pair of black pants, jean skirt or top that was hidden under a pile, in the corner all the way in the back of your closet.


  1. Great advice.....once you've sorted your wardrobe out its easy to keep it organised for each season. I'm off to do that now! Margaret Swift

  2. thanks for all the info. Just so everyone knows, I have the flipper. I bought 2 of them to get my kids to keep their clothing neat. The truth is I really don't care if they use them, I love them!!! All the tops are folded to the same size in seconds and srack neatly on the shelves. If you can only make one fashion purchase this season, make it the flipper.

  3. thanks for the great advice - as always, you call it like you see it and say it straight and to the point. good luck with this great blog!

  4. Great blog. What does one do if their closet space is limited and they therefore do not have the luxury in making the closet look like their private boutique. I guess they can adopt the Macy's model and stuff everything into huge piles but i am sure everyone will agree that their stores are not quite as nice to shop in as the boutiques you will find on fifth and Madison avenues.
    To get back to my point, i do not have enough shelf space to line up my shoes, fold my sweaters into small piles and hats to be out of their boxes. The hanging space i have is also cramped and therefore even if organized by colour and clothing type the overall effect is still "Macy's". Help!

  5. I completely understand you, I have lived in places where my closets were either too small or simply inadequate. If after you have completely sorted through your entire closet,you still do not have enough room, you can: 1. Call Individual Style to help you. 2. Seperate frequent and infrequent items. The clothing or accessories that you wear all the time put in your closet and the items that you wear less often can be stored away in another part of the house. Before you store these items take a picture of each one and make a note on the back of the photo of where the item is being kept. Put the pictures in an album in your closet for easy reference. This way they will not become "out of sight, out of mind".
    The idea of a boutique does not mean a Fifth Avenue or Madison Avenue store, it means a place you can go into and see what you have with ease.
