Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Singing in the Rain

I am sitting at home feeling all warm and cozy as I listen to the wind howling outside and the rain pouring down. In weather like this, many of you probably like to crawl under the covers with a good book or movie and a nice, hot cup of cocoa. I enjoy that too. But what I really enjoy is being outside, walking and splashing in the puddles. That is, as long as I am properly dressed for it: no one I know wants to get stuck in the rain while dressed for a meeting, a dinner party or a wedding. So if you are heading outside in the rain to stroll, run errands or even just carpool, make sure you have:
1. A pair of rain boots, good rubber boots. Today you can get simple old-fashioned ones or bright colorful ones
2. A rain jacket with a large hood. Just make sure it is WATERPROOF, as water resistant is not enough in a downpour
3. If you are not a hood person, then use a rain hat - only make sure that the hat has a large brim so the water can run off without getting your face wet

Once you are ready, throw on your gear, head outside and feel like a kid again.