Thursday, September 3, 2009


For many parents, the beginning of school is a happy time of year. Our children go off each morning and as parents we breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the need to provide them with daily entertainment is over.
Not for me. I actually enjoy vacation and the chance to spend time with them. Sure, my boys are older now and don't need me to plan out each day and keep them busy all the time, so I truly enjoy the relaxing down time with them. During the summer, there is no morning rush, no making sandwiches and getting everyone out to the bus on time followed by running errands all day like a crazy person in order to get home to greet them with a smile when they walk in the door from school.

But as much as I might dread the daily sandwich-making, as I slab something on the bread with my eyes half open while trying to sip my coffee and wake myself up….. the most dreadful part of the day is actually still several hours away….. HOME WORK. Truth be told (and it is a good thing my boys do not read this blog) I hated homework as a child and now I hate it even more!!!! Really - I cannot bear the whole afterschool routine of "do you have homework? Did you do your homework? Sit down and finish your homework!"

So what do you wear while you are busy jumping from child to child trying to help them with their work?

As far as i am concerned, it needs to be something comfortable, relaxed and washable (for those nasty little pen marks).

My personal preference, and this may surporise you, is PAJAMAS; they are relaxed, comfortable and cozy. I put them on as soon as I get home. Perhaps not very fashionable but with todays selection of sleepwear you can easily run afternoon carpools in them too.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dressing for School

Here in Israel September 1st is always the first day of school (unless, of course, the teachers decide to strike...).

I happen to have fond memories of the first day back at school as a child. I would wake up extra early (my mother would not even have to pull my covers off and drag me out of bed) and then pack up all my new school supplies and choose just the right new outfit to wear before going outside to wait impatiently for the school bus to show up just so I could see my friends.
What I was going to learn, my schedule and even who my teachers might be just never seemed to concern me - in fact, I do not remember giving it a moment’s thought.

Of course, most of that initial excitement came to a crashing halt on day 2 and by the time the week was over, and I had already worn everything new, I simply dreaded going to school. And then, naturally, the blanket wars with my mother soon began.

Nowadays, as a mother myself, I try to meet with my children’s teachers to explain to each of them the unique and wonderful traits that my kids have, in the hopes this will help them go through school with a little more joy.

But what do you wear when going to school to meet a teacher or principal?

If you send your children to a religious school and they have a dress code, then obviously you have to stick to the rules and wear a skirt, longer sleeves etc.

For your first meeting, I would suggest that you wear something that is put together but simple, confident but at the same time sweet: a basic skirt, with a simple shirt that has a ruffle or a bow, and shoes that are not very high (flats are best). Keep your makeup and hair simple. You want to make sweet but firm first impression.

You might very well be thinking: Well, what about the high powered, "I can get the earth shaking" look?

Save that for when you need to go in and yell.