Thursday, May 28, 2009

Just Belt It!!

Sometimes we look in our closet and see the same old, same old and think boring !! A good fashion tip is that your outfit can probably be updated with a belt.Even an outfit that you think doesn't need a belt, looks great with one. Try it, you'll see. Skinny patent leather, wide woven, low slung chain.. there are so many styles and so many different looks you can acheive with this inexpensive, fun accessory. Look through magazines or online to be inspired. Its a fun way to "change" the look of same old, same old. Don't be afraid to take chances. If you like the way it looks, wear it!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wearing the Same Thing Twice

“Don’t look at me, I wore this shirt the last time you saw me”, was a comment someone recently shouted at me. Interestingly, this comment was made by a man. Even though I do not ”really” judge people by what they wear, it did get me thinking: what is wrong with wearing the same thing over and over?

I have often wondered what people would think if one were to attend a weekend event and wear the same outfit to all the different parts. OK, perhaps this is an extreme example but truly wearing what you own over and over (as long as it is clean) is encouraged.
When was this stupid, silly and ridiculous rule established, that repeating an outfit is a no-no?. Truly I do not know and I do not care, but I do know that it needs to come to an abrupt end, NOW.
Yes, it is nice to have a variety and a selection in your closet, but each piece of clothing should be used and enjoyed to its fullest, worn over and over and over again.

Whether economic times are good or difficult, wearing the same shirt, skirt, pants or outfit is smart, sensible and definitely encouraged. So the next time you see me I expect to hear instead: “Look at me - I am wearing the same thing twice.”