Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wearing the Same Thing Twice

“Don’t look at me, I wore this shirt the last time you saw me”, was a comment someone recently shouted at me. Interestingly, this comment was made by a man. Even though I do not ”really” judge people by what they wear, it did get me thinking: what is wrong with wearing the same thing over and over?

I have often wondered what people would think if one were to attend a weekend event and wear the same outfit to all the different parts. OK, perhaps this is an extreme example but truly wearing what you own over and over (as long as it is clean) is encouraged.
When was this stupid, silly and ridiculous rule established, that repeating an outfit is a no-no?. Truly I do not know and I do not care, but I do know that it needs to come to an abrupt end, NOW.
Yes, it is nice to have a variety and a selection in your closet, but each piece of clothing should be used and enjoyed to its fullest, worn over and over and over again.

Whether economic times are good or difficult, wearing the same shirt, skirt, pants or outfit is smart, sensible and definitely encouraged. So the next time you see me I expect to hear instead: “Look at me - I am wearing the same thing twice.”


  1. I think that the whole matter of needing three outfits for an away bar mitzvah is nuts. I do it but every time I do, I can't help but think I don't want to be doing this. I try to make sure that the accessories can be used for at least two outfits, but when I look around, I feel like I am the only one who tried to be a compact thinker.

  2. At last! Now I no longer have to feel guilty for wearing the same thing over and over again! Thanks for liberating me!
    One question though: is it OK to wear the same thing thrice, or is twice the limit?

  3. ok, I agree with your post, but here's a more complicated issue: can I keep wearing that blue striped shirt now that you've blogged about the fact that I wear it so much? ;)
    -- Benji

  4. until your comment no one knew it was you, but you have just let the cat out of the bag!
    feel free to keep wearing and rewearing that blue stiped shirt
